“You’re Welcome World!” 🙂
I have graced you with my presence.
Those that have heard of me, have also heard
“im the man”
Those fortunate enough to have met me in person call me “Mr. Awesome” and in a strict work environment I’m also known as “the VP of Make it Happen” because it’s accurate.
Despite the giga-zillion followers I have on this site (visitor counter broke, i suspect it doesn’t go that high). I am working on finding suppliers to reopen a custom merch line which was sold completely out as it was never stocked to start with.

While the “dos equis” guy may be the current most interesting man in the world, and I only hold the #2 spot ranked against billions of others for that moniker, here are some interesting interpretations found online for my last name
For any that really want to keep track of how plain jane of a typical American Family we are (I’m mean, how cool I really am) check out of online Family Album here: www.my-family-site.com